Jun 1, 2021 | Aged Care System, Community, HOME CARE, NDIS
When you’re caring for the elderly, there are essential things you have to take into consideration as a carer or lifestyle manager for you to be able to give quality care. Though there are specific modules for aged care workers to help them train, many older...
May 17, 2021 | Aged Care System, Home Care Technology, Technology, Uncategorized
When taking care of the elderly, time is the most precious resource for delivering the quality care they deserve. Here are 4 ways software can help manage employee scheduling in aged care. Employee scheduling most of the time seems easy, but it’s often a...
May 17, 2021 | Aged Care System, Enterprise, Technology, Uncategorized
Being able to communicate efficiently is an important skill, but being able to managing staff communication effectively is a form of art which often takes years to master! It helps us to pass information to other people, express ourselves, navigate through tough times...
May 3, 2021 | Aged Care System, Technology, Uncategorized
Guide for creating the best working schedules for your aged care team and clients Scheduling tasks and activities in aged care looks easy, but it takes a lot of time to plan, prepare and execute effectively for the client and efficiently for the organisation. With...
Mar 23, 2021 | Aged Care System, Community, NDIS, Practical Solutions, Product Features, Technology
This management software aims to assist lifestyle managers and support workers with their daily activities, from managing tasks and requirements, community events and communicating with clients and their families. CareVison is launching the new Community Lifestyle...
Mar 23, 2021 | Aged Care System, Community, Enterprise, Home Care Technology, Technology
The release of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s final report with the title Care, Dignity and Respect signals a significant step to a new Aged Care Reform and an opportunity for the government, care providers, and the community to move towards...