Sep 29, 2023 | Aged Care System, Community, Company News, HOME CARE
Just over two weeks have passed since the 2023 Home Care Reform Forum in Melbourne. The event was attended by 125+ members of the home care sector, including providers large and small, peak bodies, government, advocates, consumers, academics, and solution providers....
Sep 28, 2023 | AGED CARE, Aged Care System, Community, Company News
It has been two weeks since the 2023 Aged Care Quality, Safety, and Risk Forum took place in Melbourne over two days. The event was attended by 115+ members of the aged care sector, including providers large and small, peak bodies, government, advocates, consumers,...
Sep 26, 2023 | Aged Care System, Community, Company News
CareVision is thrilled to announce that the CareVision app has gone live with one of our valued partners, Tender Loving Care Disability Services, in Brisbane.On the 22nd of August 2023, the CareVision Team held a Kickoff Session during the Professional Development...
Aug 23, 2023 | Aged Care System, Company News, Home Care Software, Home Care Technology
In June 2023, Kylie White, the founder and director of Amina Partnership, shared insights into their successful journey with CareVision, Australia’s leading technology provider in the aged care sector. Amina Partnership Group, based in Melbourne, Australia, operates...
Aug 19, 2023 | Aged Care System, Community
Disability Care Quality, Safety and Reform ForumMelbourne/NAARMForum: 12-13 September 2023 The NDIS was a major focus of the recent budget and has been the subject of intense political scrutiny in recent months. The release of the final report from the Royal...
Aug 17, 2023 | Aged Care System, Community
Aged Care Quality, Safety and Risk ForumsMelbourne/NAARMForum: 12-13 September 2023 The Aged Care sector is facing once-in-a-generation changes over the next year. These changes include mandatory 24/7 registered nurses within residential facilities, AN-ACC funding...