This article originally appeared on Aged Care Today Summer 2025 (stock photo only)

While the introduction and final wording of the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards is subject to the passage of the new Aged Care Act through parliament, providers must comply with them from the commencement date. So it’s important to prepare now. 

With the draft strengthened standards in circulation for some time, and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission indicating any further changes are likely to be minor, providers should already have an idea of upcoming reforms. 

The contents of the draft have raised some concerns, particularly with interpreting the requirements – but there are tools, resources, services and supports available to you now, to help you understand these new expectations. 

Resources to help you prepare 

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has an extensive range of free resources to help aged care providers navigate the changes. These include comprehensive guidance material, fact sheets, evidence guides and audit preparation information available on their website (, which can be filtered to display the most relevant content. 

In addition, the Aged Care Learning Information Solution (Alis) platform contains training modules and webinars to support preparation, with a range of formats available including books for First Nations and culturally diverse communities. 

The Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) also provides free support to our members in many ways, including:

  • advice either by phone or email through our Member Support and Advisory Service 
  • an analysis spreadsheet that expands on the mapping of old to new requirements done by the Commission and includes a summary of what changes you might need to make
  • a transition plan tool to step providers through the key actions and offer useful tips
  • a tool for members to assess and report on compliance with the strengthened Standards through the Member Support Portal. 

In addition, ACCPA offers a multitude of paid services for members and nonmembers including training, tailored consultancy, and quality systems that provide a suite of ready-made policies, processes and templates aligned to the strengthened Standards – so you don’t have to do it alone. 

ACCPA associate partners are also able to provide many support services and resources. Providers can find services they require from reputable businesses at ACCPA’s associate partner online directory ( 

The compliance approach 

As auditing against the strengthened Standards will commence immediately after they come into effect, it is recommended providers review the Commission’s proposed methodology and evidence guides to ensure they are fully prepared. 

Audits against the strengthened Standards will be conducted in three stages: 

  1. Preparation. A desktop review of information and documents is provided in the Request for Information and Pre-Audit Preparation Tool followed by an initial planning meeting with the provider.
  2. Delivery. Detailed evidence is gathered through a combination of desktop and on-site activity to inform findings against the outcomes of the strengthened Standards. 
  3. Reporting. Preparation of the findings and determination of audit gradings based on the evidence gathered and analysed. The provider has a chance to respond to the findings included in a Preliminary Audit Report. 

This methodology and the use of a standard evidence guide will help drive a consistent audit approach. 

It is important to note that until the strengthened Standards come into effect, providers will continue to be assessed against the current Standards. 

The Commission has indicated they would expect to see practices beginning to align to the strengthened Standards during the transition period and will not penalise providers for this. 

If you are an ACCPA member please email [email protected] or call 1300 222 721 for more information or to access any ACCPA services and supports. 

Amanda Allen

Head of Services

Aged & Community Care Providers Association