The Australian government recommends the universal adoption of My Health Record by the Care Sector. My Health Record provides authorised healthcare professionals with access to a patient’s key health information. My Health Record as it provides many benefits:

  • Saves time in the transfer of care especially in emergencies
  • Quick and reliable verification and validation of clinical information
  • It helps in avoiding the duplication of tests as well as diagnostic imaging
  • Improves the continuity of patient or client care

The information included in My Health Record is uploaded by healthcare professionals, including doctors and pharmacists. Some of the clinical documents that will be accessed include:

  • shared health summaries
  • vaccination and immunisation information
  • prescription and dispense records
  • discharge summaries
  • transfer of care information
  • radiology and pathology results.

It is also possible for the actual patients or their family members and carers to upload advanced care documents.